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Showing posts from September, 2016

Where All Is Peaceful

Yesterday was a beautiful day here on the farm. Early afternoon I was hanging a load of cloths on the line in the back yard. I had just taken a bath towel out of the basket setting at my feet, when a little plane flew over head, up there in that big dark blue sky. I listened as it grew fainter and fainter until it was gone off into the big blue beyond. I stood there, with that towel in my hand and the cloth pin in my mouth. Standing there, looking off into the distance, and my mind went back to my childhood.  I stood there remembering all those little noises that would bring peace to my mind, my heart. They still do today, when I once again visit those days of yesteryear. I can picture my mother telling us girls that hot summer afternoon, of long ago, "I want you to take a little nap now. You will feel so much better."  We complained of course. What little girls wanted to waste a perfectly good afternoon taking a nap, especially if they could play house...

Money Don't Buy Everything

Well it is a beautiful Saturday morning here on the farm. The sun is bright in the big blue sky, the windows are open and the birds are filling the air with their happy songs. I should be working! My house is a total disaster, the yard needs mowed and the poor flower beds are more like weed beds, but I find myself once again at my computer.  I have soft music playing in the background and my heart is happy. Pure happiness.  In my situation it feels wonderful because this type of happiness has been slow coming to my heart, my soul, my mind. I know that there will be days that I feel just the opposite, but I will just remember that those days are passing. Really they need to come. They are "teachers" to me. They help me appreciate life and the real meaning of life. They help me to know that I'm on a journey and there will be rough waters and there will be smooth. But today I must send out some thank you notes that are way overdo. Sometimes we get our greatest hel...

Good Bye From Our Little Farm Along The Creek

Walking down memories lane, hand in hand, side by side.  This is what I did in my book   "Little by Little...Side by Side."  Well the last chapter has been written and published and now it is time to say good bye from our little farm down here by the creek. I have to say that it has been very beneficial for me to go back in time and write these chapters. I am  a little surprised  it took me a year to do so, but my heart has fell in love all over again, for those good old neighbors, the doctors and Mr. Hanson, the pharmacist, the old hardware store and the country time elevator. My heart fell in love all over again for Burney, Marsh, and Corky, for Fritz 66, and the train that rumbled through our little hick town, disappearing around the bend and on into the distance. For my cousin Lyle, his little green house, his time at our table, and helping work the cattle. For our old farm truck, with its white hood and blue top, for Grandpa as he...