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Showing posts from April, 2017

Through the Storm

It is 5:00 in the morning and sleep will not come. Inside her head the thunder roars and the lighting flashes. There is a storm. Life has brought on a storm. She can not talk to anyone. She will just make life harder for them. She felt so alone. So she got up quietly, so not to disturb her husband, pull the door shut, and went to the couch and grab up her computer and wrote. She wrote and wrote, trying to calm the storm raging inside her head. The sadness filling her soul. The sadness not for herself but for someone dear to her heart. Someone who is bravely facing their own storm. They think they are alone, but they are not. In the silence of the night she is fighting beside them. They don't know this. They don't know that her light is on and she is fighting beside them in her heart. They can't know this because they live in separate homes.  They live in separate homes, but their hearts are one. Why does life bring storms? Why can't it just be smooth sailing? Why can&

Tiny Beautiful Miracles

"A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws." I didn't know how to spell miracle so I asked my phone. I was glad I didn't know how to spell it because the above meaning came up and I loved it. "A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws."  I love this. Yes we people think we have a lot of things figured out but I love to behold a miracle. Something that just happens. Something that brings, well I don't know what words to use. So I will tell my story. As most of you have noticed, I have not been writing in my blog for sometime. I will just be honest. My heart has not been singing.  My pen cannot write. My world seemed to be crumpling. BUT you know what I have learned?  My heart has not sung, my pen has not wrote, my world was crumpling, because I was allowing it to happen. I was not seeing the little "miracles" happening around me every day, every minute.  This morning for some reason my heart