Yesterday an outstanding woman touched my heart and showed me the true treasure of living. When I walked into the hospital yesterday afternoon to take my place as escort, one of my co-workers got up and walked to me. She put her arms around me and gave me a hug and said, "How is you Hospice patient doing?" I answered her that we are doing well. She held me away from her and said, "You know the hospital is full of sick people. I'm going to a funeral of a loved one this afternoon. There is no end to the compassion this old world needs, is there? I'm going to do some visiting before I leave here." I took her place at the information desk and she got her purse and headed toward the elevators. I know that she hadn't ate since at least 7:30 that morning, because she had to be at work by 8:00. It was close to 2:00 then I saw her come from the elevator and head down the stairs to the cafeteria, to get some lunch. She wasn't concerned about herself. S...