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Showing posts from June, 2014

"Love Is"

Putting his vitamins out in the morning Holding hands under the table while you give thanks Scooting your chair closer to his Picking up his toothpicks --- scattered all over the house Watching him walk across the yard Hearing his voice on the other end of the phone line Seeing him praying and knowing he is mentioning your name Laying in bed -- listening -- listening for his tractor to come home Hanging his towels on the line to dry Seeing his smile Taking him a cookie --- just because Walking hand in hand in the moonlight Putting a patch on his worn out jeans Picking mulberries on Sunday afternoon

" Why is this happening?"

It is 4:00 in the morning.  Thunder crashes outside --- lightning fills the sky's.  Rain pours down.  In the fields stand uncut wheat.  Bushels of it. --We can't get it.  It is such a hopeless feeling.  As for me it doesn't have so much to do with the money part -- it is just the negative thinking that I fight. The deep inside feeling --- why? There are fields and fields of uncut wheat in this area alone.  You look across the socked fields and see heads hanging low.  You also see weeds, grass, and green heads of wheat.  For three or four years we have had no rains.  We have wondered if we could keep the cattle.  Now it is the opposite. Like I said this is not meant to be a "I feel sorry for you" post.  There are farmers all over that are in lot worse condition than us.  As I write this my mind can go to lots of people who face things every day that makes my small "negative" world look like nothing. ...

Gods Miracles

This morning at the table my husband said something that got me to thinking.  He said "You know farming is one occupation God can control.  We go full speed ahead and then God sends the rain and all brakes go on." That is so true.  Really you could say we are completely depended upon God.  He sends us the rain we need -- the sunshine -- the hot and the cold.  He gives us the lightning and the thunder -- the wind and the calm.  Have you ever thought about the little seed?  Even in the tiniest seed God has placed a baby plant. At the right exact time and in the right exact environment that little seed cracks open and the little plant pops out of the ground into the sunshine.  Some seeds grow into huge trees --- some into tiny plants.  But it all starts inside that little seed that God made. A man can make a pond out in the pasture --- or have a creek running through it -- but they both lay useless unless God sends the rain -- or opens the...

A dream come true

Have you ever had a dream come true?  You feel so excited inside don't you?.  Well one has come true for me at the expense and time of three wonderful people.  You see I have discovered that I love to write.  I can pour out my heart that way.  Some of them I love to share.  Because of this I have always wanted a blog.  On this I can write all I want and you can read them or don't have to.  I only write from the heart so if my heart is still my pen will be also.  I will try and make sure that all my facebook friends know when one is posted so you can read it if you desire.  Now the three thank yous to my special people for making this possible.  First goes to my husband.  He bought me this wonderful lap top witch will become my best friend.  Then a huge thank-you to my daughter Melissa who was so willing to take all the information and make up this beautiful blog for me.  Last but not least is my other daughter Car...

Welcome Friends

Welcome to my blog!  I am trying to get the blog world figured out, so please bear with me.  Stay tuned for more on what happens in my little world!