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Some Can and Some Can't

Have you ever tried and tried to accomplish something only to be told that your "crooked"? Have you ever thought you were so lost that you would never see your family again? I mean, so lost and scared that your heart is beating so hard that you just know that it will come right out of your chest? You have no idea what to do next so you just keep walking and all of a're "found"! What a wonderful feeling!

Well, I have experienced both of the above.  Really.  I have experienced being "lost" twice in my life time.  It is a helpless feeling, I tell you.  Well, it is kind of helpless also when you try and try to ski and you just can't do it...period...end of sentence!!

My story takes place up in the Colorado mountains in a little town called Dillon. Our family had decided to go skiing over spring break. You know, something teens like to do so mom and dad say    "sure we'll take you" even if they themselves have never skied nor did they know how.
Well, we head into the mountains and stop at this little hick town to rent our skis. After an hour or so, we all feel pretty important carrying our skis and those big heavy boots to the van.
On up we go through the Eisenhower tunnel, on up to this beautiful little town on the shores of Dillon Lake. We have rented a cute little condo right on the lake. It has a bathroom, a bedroom, small living room and fireplace, and kitchen.  Ahhh...this will be fun!

We arrived around 10:00 in the morning, unload our stuff and head for the slopes. The kids are all excited. They can't wait to get out there. I have no idea why they get such a kick out of flying down those slopes. Good grief, what if they hit one of those trees or something?  And first of all, you have to somehow live through that ride to the top of the mountain!! Somehow get yourself and your skis on that seat that is hanging by one cable...that seat that goes up and up above the mountain leaving your skis hanging there in mid air.  Then there's the getting off that contraption without doing some type of splits or something!

Well anyway, it didn't do me any good to fly warning words at them because they had only one goal fly down the slopes!  Surprisingly enough my husband fell in love with it too, and he is balanced enough he caught on quickly and could get down most of those blues and greens. But I'm the I head to the 'bunny slope'!

I wasn't interested in riding that 'ski lift', so I just busied myself by walking up a little ways....that is the best you can walk on skis, and then I would ski down.  Now lets see... you go back and forth....not straight down....and what do you do with these poles?  Bam...down I sat...ouch...I hate about knocks the teeth out of your mouth. Well, up again to try once more. Oh yeah...let's see how do you "get up"?  Your skis are sticking straight up in the air.  Somehow you have to get them under you.  And your poles? 

"Do you need help Mrs?"  I look up and there stands a small boy holding his hand out to me.
"Oh, thank you... I guess I needed that!!"

By now it is way past noon and I'm hungry so I took off the skis and made my way to the car.  It was hard walking in those boots. They rub on my calves ...ouch!

Oh, thank goodness for the chance to set down in the back seat and eat my sandwich! Pretty soon, here came my husband all smiles.

"Are you having fun?"  I ask taking another bite of sandwich. "Where are the kids?"

"Oh, out there somewhere.  I saw them once or twice.  They're still standing up."

"Can you get down the slopes?" I asked.

"Oh just took a little bit and once or twice I came down on the bottom but didn't get hurt.  How about you?"

"Oh you're so funny!  I haven't even been up the bunny slope yet!"

" I heard they give private lessons on the bunny slope. I'll pay for a couple hours if you want.  I really want you to have fun."

"Oh I don't know.."  but he won out so he set me up for a two hour session and headed back to the slopes. 

I felt so sorry for that poor instructor!!  I tell you, he had the patience of Job! He finally convinced me to get on that ski lift and go to the top.  He sat  right beside me, talking to me all the way.   I was sure we were heading to the top of Pikes Peak. You see, I do not like heights!!

"Very funny... how do you get off this thing....where do you put your poles....what do you do, just jump off the seat or something?  I don't think so."  My heart was going a mile a minute.
"Just put your skis down and kind of glide off.  Like now....put them push off the seat!!"
Ok...down...push....bam.....ouch....oh embarrassing!!!   Especially when a bunch of little kids go gliding past you and with no poles!  How do they do it?

Well that dear instructor worked with me for a whole two and a half hours!!  He finally shook his head and said,  "I'm sorry honey but you just can't seem to ski.  I really think your crooked!  I'd suggest cross country skiing or snow shoeing. They're both enjoyable."

"Hey, that's ok.  I'm just scared to fall and it appears to me that you do alot of that out here."
I spent the rest of the day watching people fly down the blacks and wondered if they really knew what they were doing and expecting a accident any minute.  Finally I saw the kids and hubby coming toward me. It was closing time...10:00 at night!! Oh, to get out of these boots!

After showers and a meal and lots of exciting talking and laughing, we were off to bed.  Another big day tomorrow.

"What are you going to do today mom?"  the kids asked as we got on coats, gloves, caps and yes boots once again.  "We will be on the slopes until 10 again"

"Oh, I think I'll try a little cross country or snow shoeing." 

"I'll go with you for an hour or so," hubby said.

So after parking and sending the kids off to the slopes....hubby and I got on a bus and went around the mountain.

"Now this is my thing," I tell him as we make our way  through the trees.

"Well, that's good, but I prefer some excitement."

"Well you go back to the slopes and I'll find you later.  I brought a sandwich."

After he left I enjoyed gliding along through the trees in the quiet, pretty much out there alone.  The air was so crisp and still. 

Around 4:00, I was getting tired, so I decided to call it a day. I would get the condo keys and go back early and get my shower and start supper.

After awhile, I saw them. "Hey!" I hollered, "could I have the key? I want to go back to the condo.   I'll just take the bus."

"Ok, we'll be home a little after 10."

I left my skis in the van and boarded a crowded bus heading to Dillon. We were about half way there, when it happened.

All of a sudden I noticed that the bus would stop every once in a while and let people off or some would get on. Oh wonderful!!  Where was I suppose to get off?  I had no idea!!

"Oh mister, do you know when I should be getting off?"  I asked the young man setting beside me.

"Where do you want to go?"

"We're staying in a condo along  Dillion Lake."

"What's the name or address?"

"I don't's on Dillion Lake."

"Well, Miss there are a lot of condo's on Dillion Lake."

"Oh no....really?"  I asked, my heart going a mile a minute.

"Well, I'd get off at this stop if I were you. Good luck."  He chuckled as I walked off the bus.
I stand there for a few minutes.  Nothing looks right at all.  I remember there was a big hill we went up to get out of the place.

I start walking.  People all around me are talking and laughing as if they are having the time of their lives. I walk and walk. Am I getting closer or going further away?  I see the lake, but...

Well,  I'll go into this business and ask.

"I'm looking for my condo. Could you help me?"

"What is the name or address?"

Um, yeah, it seems like I should know that, but that is the problem. "I really don't know that, but you have to drive up a rather steep hill to get out of it."

"Well Mam there's a lot of steep hills around here. Sorry I really can't help you."

Back outside it was starting to snow lightly.  These boots were getting unbearable to walk in and my feet were cold.  Still I walked, what else could I do.  This was obviously at a time before everyone carried their own cell phone, so I was on my own. I was getting anxious and the more anxious I got the more I didn't know which way to go.

I walked for at least two hours and then, by some miracle, it happened!! There was that hill!! I was SO relieved! Yes, there was our condo!!
I hurry in.  I was so tired and it was getting late.  I needed to get my shower and start supper.

When they came home, I was dressed in my robe and making supper as pretty as you please.
"Wow mom you actually made it home all by yourself. We're impressed."

"Why, of course,"  I say and just keep right on cooking.

That night in bed my husband whispered to me "Did you really have no trouble?"

"Well, really I did,  I got so lost!  It took me about two hours to find this place.  Honey I was SO scared!  I didn't know if I'd ever see you guys again!"

"Why didn't you stop and ask someone?"

"I did but they always asked for a name or address of the place and I didn't have one."

At that he started to laugh so hard he shook the bed.

"It's not get lost and see if you laugh!"

"Honey" he said between laughs


"Did you have the keys?"


"I think if you would look on them you would see an address in big black letters!"

"Oh no...was all I could say.  Don't tell me I was carrying it around with me all the two hours!"

"Afraid so," he said, rolling over and holding me close.


  1. Oh Helen the pickles one can find themselves in. Sorry but I am laughing at your expense. Glad you have survived all your stories to share them with us. Love ya!

  2. Oh Helen the pickles one can find themselves in. Sorry but I am laughing at your expense. Glad you have survived all your stories to share them with us. Love ya!

  3. I never could get the hang of water skiing, so I must be "crooked" too? :) it's so scary to feel lost, and when nothing looks right, that lost feeling intensifies! But what a wonderful feeling to finally see something familiar. Thanks once again for a good read!


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