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Tiny Beautiful Miracles

"A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws."

I didn't know how to spell miracle so I asked my phone. I was glad I didn't know how to spell it because the above meaning came up and I loved it. "A miracle is an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws."  I love this. Yes we people think we have a lot of things figured out but I love to behold a miracle. Something that just happens. Something that brings, well I don't know what words to use. So I will tell my story.

As most of you have noticed, I have not been writing in my blog for sometime. I will just be honest. My heart has not been singing.  My pen cannot write. My world seemed to be crumpling. BUT you know what I have learned?  My heart has not sung, my pen has not wrote, my world was crumpling, because I was allowing it to happen. I was not seeing the little "miracles" happening around me every day, every minute.  This morning for some reason my heart can sing, and my pen can write and I want to share with you some things that most of us just take for granted. We take them for granted because they "just happen because"....

I know that some of you may not have a pleasant environment to work in, but that is not the case for me. I have been a farmers wife for 40 plus years now and the last two years I have volunteered for Hospice and in the ICU, surgery of the hospital. I have no excuse to not see little "miracles" happen around me every day. I am ashamed sometimes to think that I allow life to get me down.

Just outside our picture window stands a large maple tree. This last fall I watched as its leaves turned a crimson golden, and then fill to the ground, making the branches stand bare against the cold winter skies. Those branches just stood there, day after day, week after week, until something inside that tree, or something about the environment, I don't know and don't want to know, changed and now I stand here at the window, observing as first, little red buds come out and then a small leaf emerges.

Now isn't that a miracle? Only God can cause the miracles. Those things that I take for granted.

Out in our north pasture, some 80 baby calves now run, their little tails sticking straight out. They are full of life. To me that business is a beautiful "miracle" that I, as a farmers wife, can observe. To think that deep inside that mother cow, laid a little egg. After it is fertilized it starts to grow. It makes eyes, ears, heart, lungs, intestines, stomach, mouth, little legs, a little tail, whatever is needed. When it is time, mother gives birth, and laying there on the ground, all wet and slimy is a perfect baby calf.  It just lays there for a minutes, then coughs and starts to respond to mothers licking. It stands so wobbly, for a minute or two then falls to the ground once again. But up it gets and before you know it, mother has it all cleaned off and it is enjoying its first breakfast of warm milk.

Another "miracle" that happens out there in the north pasture, is this. We have about 120 black angus cattle, and all black calves. Everything looks the same. But you know what?  Those mothers know exactly which calf is theirs!!  Now how in the world would that happen? My husband said that each calf has a certain smell. I have noticed the mothers smelling the back of their baby, when they go to find them. Miracles all around us! Help us to see them.

What makes the geese group up and make their long journey south in the late fall, and back north in the spring? What makes them fly in a V?  What brings the killdeer back to us after the long winter? What makes the little seed, that lays dormant in the cold ground, warm up by the sun and start to poke itself out from under a clod of dirt?  What makes that little seed turn into a beautiful rose bud? What makes those red peddles dry up and fall to the ground?  Where do the frogs come from when you step out on the porch after a summer rain and they are singing load and clear down by the water puddles?  Why can't they sing when it is hot, dry and no water?  What is in the rain that makes the grass and flowers come alive?

What makes the bear go into hibernation during the cold winter days? What keeps it alive while it sleeps there in the cave with nothing to eat for weeks? What tells it that its time to wake up and start to live again?

Sometimes, here on the farm, we experience a time when it just won't rain. The young wheat starts to turn a blue color. The dust flies up behind the old pickup, as you head down the road. It seems like everything stands still under the sun filled skies, just waiting. BUT you know what?  I am amazed how, just in the right time, the clouds come up from the southwest and the thunder rumbles low overhead, and a nice spring rain starts to fall on the parched hard ground. It comes just in time. So often at our house we worry to soon. But over the years, I can't remember a time that we really suffered. Oh we didn't get the best wheat harvest, or the right price, or we didn't get paid for the time we spend, but did we really suffer?  No. We have always had a roof over our head, and food on the table. We have always had each other, and life has continues on for 40 plus years, and we are still here on the good old farm.

So why do I mope?  Why do I close my eyes to the beauties around me?  Yes I will agree, life is hard sometimes. Really, really hard. But I need to lift my eyes. I need to notice the little "miracles" that are all around me. If I could just do that every day that I wake up, then I wouldn't have time to feel sorry for myself. My heart would sing, and my pen would write, and I would be thankful. I would be thankful that I have my ears to hear, my eyes to see, my fingers to feel all Gods beauty around me. You know what? We all have so much to be thankful for. I just mentioned the greatest thing we have to be thankful for, in a couple sentences up. "If I could just do that everyday that I wake up".  The beautiful, new day. The day given to me to see all of Gods miracles He shares with me.

Next week I will tell you about the "miracles" that surround me on every side at my work place. There are so many that they are hard to count. But there again, your eyes need to be open and your ears need to listen, or you will miss those beautiful things that are there just for you.


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