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Chapter 40 All Together On The Farm

I was bushed as I made my way across the school parking lot and unlocked the car door. Throwing my purse into the front seat, I rolled down the windows and backed out of the parking space. I felt like letting the soft warm breeze blow through my hair as I drove the two miles home.

Walking into the house, I tossed my purse over the back of the chair, poured a glass of cold milk, grabbed a chocolate chip cookie from the refrigerate and flopped down on the couch to read the paper. Looking up, I noticed the red light on the answering machine blinking on and off. 

"Oh looks like we have a message," I said to myself. "I'll get it in a minute. After I relax a bit." I took another bite of cookie and flipped open to the comics. 

I must have drifted off as I woke with a start when I heard Mark in the kitchen. 

"Oh hi. Didn't know you were home," he said cutting himself a piece of homemade bread and popping it into the toaster. "Did you know there is a message on the answering machine?"

"Yeah," I answered, stretching and pushing the paper aside and picking up my empty glass."I'll get it. I was just so tired for some reason,"  I said walking over to the phone on the wall and pushing the button.

"Hi. This is Bret. Have a minute between classes and just want you guys to know that Emma is coming down here Friday. I want to bring her to the farm so we will see you around 9:00. Got to go. Bye."

"Now that sounds exciting!" Mark said taking the toast out of the toaster and squeezing some honey on it.

"Oh Mark what if I'm boring to her? What if I run out of things to talk about?" I said just standing there looking at him.

"Now that is funny!" he said bending over in laughter. "YOU run out of things to talk about? Did I hear you right? Oh honey you are a hoot!"

"I'm serious! I want to make a good impression on our Emma. You know how much we have enjoyed our visits at her folks place. They are so sweet!"

"Do you happen to realize that Emma may not be yours to entertain? Remember she is Bret's girl. He may want to have some time with her too!"

"Yes...well okay.  I'll try and stay calm. She is just so sweet and I sure don't want to do anything to upset her. Well I need to start cleaning this place. Goodness it looks like the pigs were let loose right now," I said going to the sink full of dirty dishes and starting to load the dishwasher.

"I would really like for you to cut that patch of alfalfa across the creek tomorrow evening when you get home."

I just stood there looking out the kitchen window for a bit. I was so tired. Kate was still hobbling around with her poor knee. At least the crutches were gone now. The house was a mess, the grass needed mowed and now Mark wanted me to cut the alfalfa. I just had to tell Mr Grant that I needed to quite and stay home. The time had come.

"Okay, I'll try to get home a little earlier tomorrow. I guess the house will get cleaned somehow," I said turning to Mark.

"I'll have the swather hooked to the tractor and ready to go. Thanks honey. I really need you!" my man told me as he turned and I watched him walk out the back door.

The next morning I went a little early and stopped at Mr Grant's office door. I knocked lightly and after a "Come in" I opened it and walked slowly inside.

"Well good morning Mrs Beck. What a surprise to see you this early in the morning. Is everything okay?" he said getting up out of his black chair and walking around the desk to stand in front of me.

"Yes...mainly...I guess," I answered clearing my throat. "I guess I am going to have to make this my last year here at SE. I hope you understand but Mark needs my help now that Kate is leaving us for college."

He stood there, one hand resting on the desk and the other rested on his hip. Slowly he raised his head and said, "Yes, I understand. It is hard to believe our children are growing up and leaving us. I just want you to know that you have been very appreciated here at SE. Thank you for everything."

"I know that my time here with you all and the kids has been very fulfilling. I'll never forget you all and I'll always call this place my home away from home."

"We will expect a visit from you from time to time."

"I'll be here," I said going to the door and walking out into the constant stream of boys and girls rushing past, through the library doors and in different directions as they filed into their classroom.

At noon I broke the news to my teachers. "I just stopped by Mr Grant's office this morning and told him that this will be my last year here at SE."

"Oh no! Why?"

"Well with Kate leaving for college next year Mark needs me on the farm. Boy am I ever going to miss you guys!"

"Well we will miss you too but we understand! Life can get overbearing sometimes," they said coming up and giving me a hug.

That night as Mark and I were getting ready for bed I told him. "Well I did it this morning. I stopped by Mr Grant's office and told him I was quitting."

"Thank you honey!" was all he said as he came over to me and took me in his arms. At that moment, I knew that I had made the right decision. He had let me live my dream for four beautiful years but now he needed me.

Around 9:00 Friday night, Bret's white Pontiac, pulled into the drive way, made a u turn in front of the garage and came to a stop in front of the deck under the maple tree. I rushed out the back door and stood there for a minute. Bret had his door ajar just enough for the light to be on inside. I made out Emma and him checking for something in the seat before they hopped out, swung their backpacks over their shoulder, and came walking up to me.

"We are so happy you could make it to the farm Emma," I said hugging her close. "And it's good to see you again Bret. Come in. We are just up from the supper table. Did you have something to eat?"

"Not yet. We wanted to get here," Bret said as he and Emma made their way into the kitchen.

There was talking all around as I dug in the refrigerator for the left over lasagna and the container of carrots and celery.  We put some plates on the table and soon they were eating as we all sat around chatting about this and that.

The weekend seemed to fly by. There were walks, talking, game playing, washing machines running at midnight, and lots of very late nights!

Saturday night Mark took me in his arms and whispered into my ear, "Honey have you ran out of thing to talk about yet?"

"Oh you! Seriously Mark I was worried but no I am getting along just fine for your information!" I said laughing up at him.

After church and a roast beef and potato lunch, we stood on the deck waving as that white Pontiac drove out the drive way, honking the horn, turned east and disappeared down the road and over the hill. I couldn't help it, the tears started to flow. I turned and walked slowly into the house and into the half bath, closing the door.

There came a knock on the door and then Kate's voice, "Mom are you alright?"

"I'll be okay. I just have to get past the good byes. I'll be the same when you go," I hollered out to her. "It's just what mothers do."

I heard her footsteps on the basement steps and then there was silence.

The evening was cool when Mark and I parked our car in the school parking lot. There were cars everywhere and moms, dads, Grandpas, and Grandmas all walking toward the big glass doors of the school entrance. It was awards night. Kate had drove up early.

We made our way into the theater, and down the aisle, pulled down the seat and slipped into it. Leaning back, I looked around me at all the people who had become my friends over the last fourteen years. I knew so many of the faces. I loved this place. I would miss my time spent here. But in one short week, Kate would be leaving here for the great beyond and I would be leaving for the big open skies.

Once again, the stage was decorated with potted plants. The wooden podium sat there to the left, its little light turned on. To the right, stood a long table with different papers laying on its top. Kate and her classmates all filled the theater seats in front of us. I could see Kate sitting there chatting with her friends. I sure hope her knee will hold up going up those steps!

The lights dimmed and the high school principal took his place behind the podium. "Welcome to Awards Night. These young men and women have worked hard these last four years to earn these awards, and with the help of Mrs White, I am proud to give them out tonight. So let's get started."

As he announced the name of the student, and the award that was going to them, they walked up the stairs and over to Mrs White, the high school counselor, to receive the award.  There was a hug from Mrs, White and clapping from the crowd.

As Kate's name was called, she rose, walked to the steps and started up. At the bottom of the steps her knee gave out and she went down! "Oh Mark, she's hurt!" I heard myself say, taking a deep breath, and starting to get up.

"Just stay seated," he said gently putting his hand on my lap. "She will be okay."  I watched as a number of her classmates and friends gathered around her and helped her hobble back to her seat. Her friend walked up on stage and received her reward and brought it back to her.

When her name was called for other awards, Mrs White would walk down the steps over to Kate and hand her the piece of paper with her name on it. She would bend to give Kate a hug and then walk back up the steps and over to the table. Kate received a number of awards along with her classmates, but my award was in watching everyone so willingly help Kate because of her disability. My eyes filled with tears to see all the love and care shown toward her tonight. I loved this school!

Bret stayed at college the following week end. There was so much to tie up at the end of the year. He was also getting ready to head back to his summer job and Butch. He would stay for Kate's graduation and then head north. He would be back in the fall for his last semester. And then he would graduate from college in December. It just didn't seem possible!

"I'm going to call Bret," I announced on Friday night. "I want to know what Emma thought of us."

"Oh mom that's ridiculous! But whatever," Kate said coming into the living room. "Let me know when you're done. I want to talk to Peter." With that she disappeared down the basement steps.

"Hello," came Bret's voice over the line.

"Hi. This is mom. How was your day?"

"Okay I guess. Busy."

"Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah a bit. Adam and I are just heading to the rec."

"Well I was just wondering if Emma got home safely? We hadn't heard from you since last Sunday."

"Yeah she did. It was late of course."

"We missed you guys after you were gone. It seemed pretty quiet. I hope she had a good time."

"Mom, am I reading between the lines? Do you want to know if she liked you?" Bret had me figured out!

"Well, yeah, that would be good."

"Well this is her comment.  She said 'your dad is really nice and quiet and your mom is sweet but she sure likes to talk'. There you have it. No mom, we all love you! Even your constant talking!"

Well...I just stood there for a minute. At least I didn't let them down with my ability to keep a conversation going. I'm just going to have to learn to be less talkative. "Well I'm glad you brought Emma to visit us. We miss you this week end but know that it's a busy time for you guys. Take care and we'll see you next Friday. Can't believe Kate is graduating next Sunday."

"Yeah, she'll be here with Adam and I before we know it. Better go. He's waiting. Talk later," and with that he was gone.

"Well what's the verdict Mrs Beck?" Mark asked from the utility room.

"Oh be quiet," I laughed going to the stairs and hollering down at Kate that the phone was available.

The sun was bright when I locked the car and walked to the school building Tuesday morning. Two more weeks up here and then I would be baling hay, working cattle, checking fence and spraying thistles. I couldn't believe it. The last four years had just flown by.

I pulled open the big glass entrance doors and was met with the chatter and laughter of students as they opened their lockers, or slammed them shut and walked away, talking excitedly to a friend, headed to the class room. Little boys and girls were mixed in with all the big ones as the buses unloaded and they made their way back to the classrooms, all colors of book bags slung over their shoulders.

Pretty soon, I felt a little hand slip into mine and Samantha smiled up at me and asked, "Will you walk with me Mrs Beck?"

"Sure! Did you enjoy the bus ride this pretty morning?"

"Yeah but it's only two weeks till summer. I can't wait!"

At about 2:30 in the afternoon, Mrs Jones sent me down to the teachers lounge to run off some papers. As I made my way back to the classroom, I noticed it was pretty quiet for a first grade class. I walked in the door and forty little boys and girls and two teachers popped out of everywhere and said, "Surprise Mrs. Beck!"

I just stood there. On a little table was a priceless little pink pig cake. Someone had wrote on it, "Goodbye Mrs Beck."

"The children, Mrs. Lynn, and myself wanted to do something special for you since you are leaving us." Mrs Jones said. "They have all wrote you a special note," she said walking over to me and handing me forty little handwritten notes. Among them was a card from my best friends in the world....Mrs Jones and Mrs Lynn.

Nothing makes you feel more special than forty little smiling faces looking up at you. Nothing makes you feel more special than holding forty handwritten love notes with your name on them. Nothing makes you feel more special than a little round pink pig cake made just for you. I just stood there. I wanted to take every one of these little people in my arms and hug them close to my heart.

"Well, all I can say is thank you from my heart for all the times each one of you have made me feel so loved. I just don't have the words to express my gratitude to all of you. I will cherish this moment forever. Tonight I will curl up on the couch and read and reread each of these little notes. Thank you!"

Then came the hugs! They came from all directions. I just let them come. There in the classroom that had become my happiness. There among those little people who made me feel so special.


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